When your almost on the floor you just have to breath and even if you have butterfly's in you stomach or if you are nervous don't tell anyone because it will just make them more nervous for you and them self. When I am almost on the floor I only think about me hitting everything. Also because I am a flyer I stretch. Also I will mark my whole routine.
When you are getting in the may you just want to let everything go and just have fun while you are trying to get on the mat you might want to walk on with someone and not just go on alone. You can also give people hugs pat them on the back and more.
When the musics on and your freaking out try to block out the music and just count in your head. Also while performing you want to make a lot of facials. Last year during one stunt at every come I would do the same facial at the same count. Look at your judges and try to make eye contact with them although they are so far away. Also just have fun and hit everything, it also helps if you yell saying stuff like "come on guys we got this!" yelling stuff like this will make you team feel more confident. Speaking of confident BE CONFIDENT IN YOUR SELF AND IN YOUR TEAM.
When your about to get off the mat hold your ending pose for about 3-5 seconds then the camera guys can get some pictures if you and your team. Then you can get off the mat. Also when you are getting off the mat you don't want to think of your mistakes you want to think of the things that were good, think positive and not negative because you have done it and it is over and you can not do anything about it.
Last thing when you are getting awards cross your fingers or hold hands. Just hope for the best and when the call your name just be proud of what you have done.
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